
focus group.

Fola, 18
Fola is currently a student at sixth form. She tends to listen to Indie,
Electro & Dance music. She tends to listen to music online where she
can download it or listens to Radio 1. She also likes to make compilations
of her favourite music of the three genres previously stated. As she
listens to the genres of music I will be using for my music video, her
input during feedback sessions will be useful.

Eddie, 23
Is a trained chef. His choice of music genre ranges from R&B, Hip-Hop,
Grime, Dance and Reggae. He tends to listen to music on TV channels.
However, also listens to radio stations such as Kiss 100 and other Pirate
radio stations.

Ella, 19
Is currently studying at SEEVIC college. Ella had a varied music
taste including Indie, Dance, House, Electro and Soft Rock. Ella
listens to the majority of her music on her laptop, either on iTunes
or online radio stations. She also has a very active social life and will
listen to a lot of music on nights out. I feel that her eclectic taste will
help with feedback as she will known different aspects of what works
well with my chosen genre.

Ali, 18
Like Fola, Ali is also a student in sixth form. Ali tends to listen to Pop
music, but also other genres such as Dance and R&B. Although this is a
limited selection, her interest in Pop music will be useful during feedback.

Eliot, 20
Eliot is currently at university so listening to music online is more easily
accessible. Eliots taste in music ranges from Hip-Hop, Dance, House,
Trance, Indie, Rock and Drum&Bass. Like Ella, he also has an eclectic
taste in music so this will mean I will obtain more advice during my
feedback sessions.

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