
anton corbijn.

Anton Corbijn is a photographer and director from the Netherlands. He is widely acknowledged by the music industry, mainly for being the creative director of the visual output of prominent bands such as U2, The Killers and Red Hot Chili Peppers.

Corbijn started his career of music photographer in 1975. He made a lot of photos of the 'rising star' Herman Brood & His Wild Romance. Because of the pictures taken by Corbijn, Brood's fame rose quickly, and as a result Corbijn's own exposure increased. In 1998, he brought Bono and Herman together to start a working on a project which was never finished because of the early death of Brood.

Corbijn decided to move into directing music videos when Palais Schaumburg asked him to direct a video. After seeing Video, Propaganda insisted that Corbijn would direct Dr. Mabuse. As well as Simple Minds, Echo & the Bunnymen and Golden Earring requesting him their own music videos. Front 242 were shown Corbijn's artwork and accepted shooting a video with him, which resulted in a strange version of "Headhunter" due to Corbijn's limited knowledge of English. Nevertheless, it became a milestone in Corbijn's career.

Some of his works include music videos for Coldplay "Viva La Vida” and Nirvana’s “Heart-Shaped Box” as well as directing the Ian Curtis biopic Control.


andrew goodwin.

1. Music videos demonstrate genre characteristics - e.g. stage performance in metal video, dance routine for boy/girl band.

2. There is a relationship between lyrics and visuals - either illustrative, amplifying, contradicting.

3. There is a relationship between music and visuals - either illustrative, amplifying, contradicting.

4. The demands of the record label will include the need for lots of close ups of the artist and the artist may develop motifs which recur across their work - a visual style.

5. There is frequently reference to notion of looking - screens within screens, telescopes, etc - and particularly voyeuristic treatment of the female body.

6. There is often intertextual reference - to films, tv programmes, other music videos etc.


how far do music videos reflect the popular culture of the time?

If you look at the history of music videos it is clear that music videos are new in regards to their current day form and uses. History shows that the concept of music videos started with music television such as Top of the Pops and CD:UK so that that popular artists could perform without being on location. In this sense music videos were used when bands were on tour as a way to keep a fan base.

Nowadays the majority of music videos reflect modern cultures and stereotypes that audiences find easy to relate to, this helps to promote the artists in both merchandising and their image. In modern culture music videos are a representation on society and cultural conventions. In terms of pop culture music videos of today are a reflection on different sub cultures in society and they clearly lay foundations for genre's of music and demonstrate different 'labels' that artists and audiences associate themselves with, they are a form of identification.